Big Why 3: Driving Inspiration

So, I’m John. We just got done with a phone training with our students here inside REI Wealth Academy. It was a great phone call. What we like to do is have a theme for training leading up to the phone call. Really get into it, and explain it, and ask some very specific questions about what we’re trying to do, and then we implement for a week.

So, we go from the first phone call of the month to the second phone call of the month, and we’re implementing those things within that week, and then we’re coming back to evaluate it next time. I just wanted to quickly recap a couple of specific things that we had out of this phone call that I think are really illuminating that we didn’t think about even as we were developing training. One of the students especially came out and talked about they thought they knew why they were getting into real estate investing in the first place, and they even went down to another real estate investment meeting, or even a personal growth meeting. They were able actually to find something else that illuminated why they were doing something in the first place, and something that they never even thought of.

So, as you’re getting out there, that’s what I want to, kind of, encourage from that phone call. It spurred up some other thoughts for me. If just being in tune with yourself about “You know what I just got off of double shift, I don’t want to do this anymore.”

If in your mind you can take that moment, that specific moment, and allow yourself to brew into that moment, and think about it. To marinate on it, and go “You know what I really don’t want this.” Is that enough of a motivation too?

Or, if you have enjoyed your overall Christmas vacation, you went somewhere special, with your loved one, with your children, with your spouse, or another family member, or another great friend you have, and something like that, and you want more of that. You just realized, you know what, “I want to do this whenever I want to.” Marinate on that. Let yourself understand that that could be a possibility for you, you just have to figure out the how to, and that could be one of the underlying motivations.

Be open. Be aware to your daily life. Be aware to conferences, or sessions, or meetings that you go to that might illuminate something else about it, and to really cue into those themes that are driving that inspiration that’s in your life. That’s one great thing that came from the phone call tonight.

Again, we have two phone calls every month, and then followed by a local meeting here. We actually did get after it, because we are all about taking action here.

If you are still enjoying this video, which I know you are. I know you’re getting great content from REI Wealth Academy. Leave a comment below. Share. That’s one action that you can take is share this, and pass this on to someone else who can find it value for themselves, and potentially change their life if they so choose.

So, go ahead and make sure that you like the page on Facebook Real Estate Investors Wealth Academy.  Share the page, and give us feedback, and let us know what we’re doing great. Let us know what we really excel at for you. With that this is John signing off. Hope you have a great day. There’s going to be more content coming out. Looking forward to this New Year, 2018.

Take care.

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