Action Over Perfection

Hey What’ going on fellow real estate investors. This is John with REI Wealth Academy. I just wanted to quickly talk about a little bit more about framing up our mindset through the rest of the month of November as before we get ready for planning out and plotting what we’re going to be doing for 2020 all through December and I’m going to give you a whole bunch of great tactics, tips, techniques, things that you can get ready to frame up the action steps that you need to take for 2020, coming up.

And what’s crazy is a lot of people think that sometimes, you know, real estate investing is more in the summers. Maybe it’s more in, other times during the year, not the winter, not the holidays. That’s when everyone’s trying to be around family. but in reality, that’s a lot of times when people really kind of need to sell houses the most and sometimes when you get the best deal.

So having your intent up and looking around for those deals is really, important.  So we’re going to go through the next couple of things. Just to make sure  that we’re working a little bit on mindset before we actually get into, how we frame up, having your intent up and looking around for those deals is really important.

We’re going to go through the next couple of things. Just to make sure that we’re working a little bit on mindset before we actually get into, how we frame up the coming year overall. So action versus perfection. Well,honestly, action beats perfection every single time. And I have that written as a reminder in my office so that every time I look at it, I can remind myself that it doesn’t need to be perfect. And sometimes the reason why I think it needs to be perfect in reality is because I’m procrastinating, doing something  that I know that I should be doing. Overall. Whether that’s putting out videos like this, whether that’s calling up a home buyers or whether that’s be putting together in order to make it happen with my goals, my dreams that are aligned with how I do real estate investing.

So, make sure that you’re active. Always, always, always think about one thing that you could do today that moves you forward and just really be honest with yourself when that happens. Is that something that is just getting in the way, does that make  you  feel like you’re being active when in reality you’re really not being active at  all I mean, if it’s not picking up the phone, if it’s not sending out a mailer, but  it’s not sending out an email if it’s not actively going out and getting business, if it’s not actively going out and raising money, if it’s not actively going out and  finding deals, it probably is something that’s really getting in the way. Especially  if you’re bootstrapping your way through it and just getting started. You really just have to supplement any of the money you don’t have.

You have to supplement any of the skills that you don’t have with hustle, and we’re here to try to provide you as much guidance of where you   should place that hustle, knowing that we’re all, that trust is going, you might be   all trust, no vector, but we want to make sure that you’re headed in the right   direction. Well, you have to make sure that you’re doing all the things, necessary to do that. And those are action taking steps that put money back in your pocket. Those are things that get you closer to a sale to close the sale overall, whether that’s  acquiring new property or selling that property elsewhere, no matter what strategy  you’re doing, those are the most important things that you possibly could be doing   with your real estate investing. So, we’re going to go into a few more just framing up our mindset a little bit through the month of November. Then we’re going to get into tactics and techniques, in 2020,in December cause we want to think about December.

What we’re doing that point in time to set the foundations for 2020 before we actually get to 2020. There’s no reason to plan for 2020 in January, 2020 is already there, so don’t wait until then. We’re going to be hitting that up in December. Come right on  back to Check out the blog, like subscribe, share here on      Facebook and any other platforms that were out there. you’ll be seeing some of these  on podcasts as well. So make sure that you’re hitting those up as well. This is John  signing off. I’ll see you next time. Take care.



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