Find a Mentor 1: Mentorship Through Books

What’s going on, fellow real estate investors? This is John. I want to talk about finding mentors, and I want to talk about one thing that a lot of people overlook. But what’s interesting is there’s a lot of people today that are at the top of their fields in the US, in the world, in their area of expertise, that suggest this principle. It’s one of things that actually most people overlook, and that’s reading.

I know that sounds crazy to some people, but think about this for a second. The average CEO in our country reads 60 books a year, 60. The average American might read one if they make it all the way through per year, per year. Even if you’re finishing a few books per year, you’re already better off than the average American.

I know that sounds crazy, but the one thing I would suggest is if you’re going to be reading books, make sure that you are implementing. Read to implement. That’s one thing that we always teach. It doesn’t matter about the knowledge you gain unless you apply it. Power is applied knowledge. If you’re going to change whatever it is that you’re going to be able to do, you have to apply it.

I will be the first to raise my hand and say I was very, very guilty of this. I did analysis by paralysis of reading blogs, of reading books, all kinds of stuff. It wasn’t until I got hooked up with REI Wealth Academy that I really started taking off and taking action, really growing from the stuff I was learning. It took on a whole other time frame.

If you find that niche that you really want, whether that’s buy and hold the lease options, wholesaling, whatever it is, get your hands on as many books as possible and take action. Don’t wait till you’re done with the book. If you find something that’s an actionable step in your book, circle it, and start implementing. Start doing it. That’s going to be one thing that’ll take you much, much further overall.

One thing I want to just keep reiterating as we lead up to it, March 10th and 11th, if you’re in Roanoke, it’s $597 per person, $1,000 per couple, for two days of live training with Keith and Roberta. They’re going to be in the area. The first day of training’s going to be a classroom portion. They’re going to be talking, analyzing the market, doing deals, trust documentation, everything from starting, of not knowing anything about a market, all the way up to submitting offers and what to do with that negotiation.

Then you’re actually going to be going out into the field with Keith and Roberta in Roanoke to nice communities, mid-tier communities, some of the lower income communities, and looking at where the opportunities are and understanding those and making offers on those houses. If you see a house, and you’re getting ready to do a postcard, you’re going to do it.

There’s a potential to even as you identify properties and you do the work, even from training, even though it’s two days of training and you’re giving up part of the value for these mentors that are going to come in to help you guys do this in Roanoke, you’re going to be able potentially to have a deal that actually comes from this. This could be your first deal simply from this training. That’s what we’d like to do here in REI Wealth Academy.

We did that back in October with a group here in Santa Maria, California. We did a very, very similar training, but we did phone calls, writing down offers that were halfway across the country. Even though you’re going to be doing it hands on in your local area, we can also do this at a distance as well. That’s what we do every day in REI Wealth Academy.

With that, check it out. Follow us on Facebook. Like our page. Follow our page there. If you’re in Roanoke, make sure you’re getting hooked up with Keith and Roberta. There’s a post online in the Roanoke Real Estate Education Group. Make sure you check that out, and then come to Follow us.

If you feel so inclined, I encourage you, join REI Wealth Academy. See what it’s all about on the inside and what training and what value that we’re able to provide for you and get you headed from where you are right now to where you want to be.

Take it easy. I’ll see you later.

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