Making A To Do List 3: Excuses Or Learning Experience

Hey, what’s going on, fellow investors? This is John with REI Wealth Academy. I want to speak for the third thing on the fourth secret that we have of making a to-do list and it goes in line with being present, with the second video that I did about it. It really deals even when something going a little bit further into my own walk, my own story with becoming a real estate investor as well. In reality, it deals with mostly anything. The idea is: is it an excuse or is it the learning experience?

What I really mean by that is when you aren’t able to accomplish a certain task, what is the narrative, what is the story that you tell yourself? I’ve always struggled with this in different parts of my life but especially with real estate investing. Sometimes I feel like, yes, I’m very good at getting my job done. When I come home, I’m still a husband. I’m still a father. I’m still all these other things. My kids get sick. I get sick. There’s last minute things that come up with friends or family that live far, far away. There’s other things, bills that need to get paid. There’s taxes that need to be filed. All these things that do come up in a weekly basis or a daily basis or a monthly basis, whatever that is. There’s always going to be things that come up. When they come up and they get in your way of accomplishing the task that you need to do, do you go to making excuses or do you go to finding the learning experience out of it? Again being present with your goals overall.

The reason why I mentioned all those things is because it’s not your fault that those things happen, but it is your responsibility. Just because those things happened, those are things that are going to get in the way of your success. They get in the way of my success. But it is still your responsibility and my responsibility to do the things that we need to do to accomplish our goals, to fulfill our big why and that’s why this comes in the piece of the

to-do list because this is where your actions and the disciplines that you have are really going to continue to get further ingrained into who it is that you become.

In my personal opinion, the to-do list and the ability to develop the discipline to accomplish those tasks is really what drives your identity. It’s what drives your future. For people that say they want … They have a big why and they have a big goal that’s set out here of who you need to become and you know where you are right now and you need to bridge the gap, we want to come as REI Wealth Academy into the middle of that and help you get from point A to point B in your life.

With that, I hope you guys get a lot out of these videos, especially this week. I wouldn’t say that this is the most important but this … I would say the big why is absolutely the most important secret that you get out of this. But to me, the how is the second thing where the rubber really meets the road. This is where you see a lot of the transformational change in people’s lives occur. It’s where I have experience the most is when I’m actually disciplined to getting things done.

Are you making excuses or are you taking that and saying, “The reason why I failed this, I’m going to accept the responsibility for why I failed at that. I’m going to go acknowledge that and I’m going to turn this into what I can learn from it. How can I be better the next time, tomorrow?”

With that, this is John signing off. Make sure you follow us at REIWealth Go to Facebook. Find the group Real Estate Wealth Investor Academy. Also if you’re in the Roanoke group, Roanoke Real Estate Education Group in the Roanoke Valley, hopefully we bring in more clubs on as we go through. This is John. Hopefully we see you next time. Come and join us. Come be a part of something special. Take care.

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