
Advertising 3: The Management

What’s going on fellow real estate investors? This is the final video of this series overall. We’re gonna be talking about systems. So we’ve talked about the why, why you’re doing it, getting your message clear and concise out in front of the people, potential customers that you’re gonna have and make sure you’re getting… Read More »Advertising 3: The Management

Tell What you do 3: Don’t Be Afraid To Ask

Hey, what’s going on? This is John. We’re talking this week in the third installment about how to tell people what it is that you do in real estate investing. The first thing that we talked about was simply who you are. Talked a little bit about positive self-talk, making sure that you’re convinced and… Read More »Tell What you do 3: Don’t Be Afraid To Ask

Tell What you do 2: Give Your Value Proposition

Hey. What’s happening, fellow investors? This is the next video that I’m coming at you with, the second video to talk about how to pitch yourself; how to talk about what it is you do in real estate investing to other people. We’re going to talk about the value proposition, the “elevator pitch”, as it… Read More »Tell What you do 2: Give Your Value Proposition

Making A To Do List 3: Excuses Or Learning Experience

Hey, what’s going on, fellow investors? This is John with REI Wealth Academy. I want to speak for the third thing on the fourth secret that we have of making a to-do list and it goes in line with being present, with the second video that I did about it. It really deals even when… Read More »Making A To Do List 3: Excuses Or Learning Experience

Making A To Do List 2: Be Present

What’s going on, fellow investors? This is John coming at you with a second video to talk about making a to do list. The first one, we really talked about why it’s important, where it’s the rubber that really meets the road. It’s really what helps you get things done. We’ve talked about the big… Read More »Making A To Do List 2: Be Present

Making A To Do List 1: Rubber Meets The Road

Hey, what’s going on fellow investors. This is John coming back at you this week to talk about the fourth secret with the ten secrets and that is make a to-do list. We started out with the big why, understanding the fundamental reason that motivates you, that drives you and myself to be able to… Read More »Making A To Do List 1: Rubber Meets The Road

Finding A Mentor 3: Do to Implement

What’s going on fellow real estate investors? This is John coming back at you from REI Wealth Academy. I really just wanna talk about finding a mentor. We’ve really started off talking about the big why, understanding how that’s supposed to invigorate you, inspire you, get you ready to take on the day. And it’s… Read More »Finding A Mentor 3: Do to Implement