Finding A Mentor 3: Do to Implement

What’s going on fellow real estate investors? This is John coming back at you from REI Wealth Academy. I really just wanna talk about finding a mentor. We’ve really started off talking about the big why, understanding how that’s supposed to invigorate you, inspire you, get you ready to take on the day. And it’s really important to have that discipline that follows up behind it, that way when you’re not wanting, when you don’t feel like doing it that day, that you do it anyway. You’re getting your big why back in front of you. You’re developing the discipline through hitting your goals, your targets that you’re setting out. You’re setting the right goals for you based on your strengths, based on your opportunity that you have in front of you, and based on the goals you actually have in front of you.

Then, when you need to fill in the gap of the knowledge you have, rather than coming from the mindset of scarcity and fear of the unknown and not knowing where you’re gonna be headed next, where the next steps are really gonna be taking you, what’s nice is you have the ability to tap into mentors. As connected as we are in this world, there’s so many things that are out there. You could even get to the library to read books on some of the stuff that is tried and true over the ages on leadership, on finding deals, on networking properly, on how to better yourself. There’s all kinds of things that are out there for you to be able to do.

So you could get some of your mentorships from people who have been dead for hundreds of years, and some of the stuff that they had is still applicable today. And again, I always reiterate this because I was very, very guilty of it myself, I read, I read, I read, I listened to podcasts, I listened to blogs, I listened to books on tape, and again, I read blogs, I read books, all kinds of stuff, and yet, I still hadn’t taken action on it. It was an analysis by paralysis.

I didn’t take action. So that’s one thing that Roberta really keyed in when I became a part of REI Wealth Academy and started networking with them a lot more, providing value to them, hopefully getting value back the right way. It was reading to implement. You read a book to implement it. It’s applied knowledge that actually equals power.

Now when we’re talking about filling in the gap of the knowledge you might have, a book might solve it, but there’s also probably actionable people that are currently in the trenches that are doing this. For me, at REI Wealth Academy, that’s Keith and Roberta. They’re actively doing deals right now. They’re actively reaching their goals and when they hit them, they’re setting new goals and just going, going, going. And at the same time that they’re going forward, they’re reaching back and pulling people with them with REI Wealth Academy and the education that they provide.

And that’s awesome! A great opportunity overall. But when you’re finding mentors, it could be in that but it also could be in other areas too, but specifically for finding mentors, you wanna make sure that you come from that mindset of scarcity, you flip it around, you come to a mindset of abundance and you try to provide value, value, value in as many ways as possible for the person that is most in line with your strategy.

And I would very much encourage you to make sure that you’re finding a mentor that definitely fits your core elements of your big why, that fit the core elements of your goal, your personality, some of your core beliefs. Make sure that those people really are inspirational to you and will hold you accountable to a lot of stuff. And make sure that you are doing the work necessary to make the investment of their time worth it for them as well.

And it could simply be you paying for them. I talked in one of the other videos about the four different ways you could provide value, go check that out. You can simply pay them for it.

You can trade your time for something that they need that you can actually fill in a gap for them. You can use your network to do that. And you can also simply ask for charity. And again, if you’re asking for charity, make sure you’re actually coming prepared and you’re doing the work before hand that’s going to make their charity something that they really relish and something that they wanna keep giving and coming back to. No one really wants to help people who aren’t willing to help themselves and willing to show that they’re waiting to keep going.

Cause honestly, these people are living their lives. They’re trying to accomplish other things. So for any of us to ask a potential mentor to become a part of our life by them becoming a part of our life. We’re trying to become part of theirs, we’re asking them to become part of ours, you very well, if you’re not coming prepared, you’re not coming to it with a sense of abundance of providing value; you’re potentially wasting their time. You are taking potentially precious time away from their family, their children, their friends, and any number of things. And in some cases, you’re taking time away from their business, their ability to make money, that is why it is so important to provide value overall. And that’s one of the things I wanna talk about in general with finding mentors overall.

I guess some other couple things I wanna talk about was just service in general. You really need to come at it with a servant’s heart as much as possible for anybody. And that’s with customers, that’s with business partners. And that’s one of the other things too I wanted to suggest as well, if you’re coming from a spirit of abundance, you’re coming with a spirit of service to other people, and some cases you can also go down the path of actually partnering with some of these people to bring you along. That way you’re kinda coming under their wing. You might bring them the deal and they’re providing you some of the top cover for it, but you’re actually acting as partners.

And here’s another thing for mentors, they won’t necessarily be mentors for your entire life. It might just be for a season. It might just be for the one topic that you need at the time and you get to keep that relationship potential over time, but at the end of the day, sometimes its run its course and that’s okay. So keep that in mind as well. Just make sure you’re always looking out for multiple mentors. It doesn’t have to be one mentor. And the thing is, not all mentors are correct cause unless they really know what your heart is and where you’re trying to go, they may not necessarily be able to get you all the way to your goal but they might be able to get you to the next step of your goal and then you’ll need to find another one to provide value for.

And you also might become a mentor yourself, so remember that when you make it to where you want to go, to always reach behind you and help bring some of those people with you. That way you’re providing value for people you’re asking something from, but also providing value for people that you’re giving your time and your energy to and bring them along with you. And that’s one of the things from Keith and Roberta, from any other mentors that I’ve had, any other coaches I’ve had, they absolutely love providing value and really helping people get from where they currently are to where they wanna go. It’s one of the things that brings them great joy in life, but that doesn’t mean that they necessarily do it for free. Some do, some don’t, and it really just depends on their relationship with you, their relationship with their potential mentors.

With that, I know a little bit of rambling on this vide overall. I just wanted to review some of the overall topics for finding mentors, review the four big things, the different mindsets that come along with it in general. The last thing I wanna bring up is for providing value to REI Wealth Academy, we’re able to take time to come do training. Keith and Roberta are providing that time.

Get into REI Wealth Academy, check out the Facebook page, follow the page, get into the group itself at because we will continue to put these trainings on where we can find value and if it’s gonna be somewhere where we didn’t even know we were gonna go, we’re still gonna go there because that’s where the demand is taking us with REI Wealth Academy because it’s gonna be providing value for us, be providing value for that demand where those people are, with that type of strategy, cause we do actionable training in general.

With that, this is John signing off. Hope you have a great week.

Take care.

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