Proven Guide To Get Started In Real Estate Investing

When I first started out in the real estate industry, I was left asking myself the question: So I’m New to Real Estate, Now What? Here’s the Proven Guide To Get Started In Real Estate Investing.

I can imagine being new to Real Estate Investing, you too may have that same question.

So, I want you to have the exact steps, in guide form; I took to get started in real estate. I promise, it will help you get a plan to take action and start implementing right away.

“Now there’s a number of places that people like to start but one place that REI Wealth academy really hones in on is we really try to start to answer one simple question and that’s, why? So in order to start that sometimes you have to, ask, some other questions what how, when.”

“I imagine a lot of you kind of feel that way as well I just want to keep it in your mind when you’re going through the big why understand you’re able to dig deeper into something that you may not have been asking that question to yourself before but now with a big goal that’s out there you’re starting to find why do you want that big goal.“

“Be open. Be aware to your daily life. Be aware to conferences, or sessions, or meetings that driving inspiration.”

“Become the person that is actively doing the things you need to do to achieve your big why, your big why is going to become you.”

“Sit down and do it, make sure it’s right”

  1. Ask yourself the real reason you are doing this. Why are you really doing this…We all can say money but it is more than money, let me tell you! Do the Big Why. It will help you to put your feet on the ground.

Now that you know WHY you want to get started in real estate investing, continue to read about Goals…

“Dig into goal setting and really starting to plot out what it is you want to do for your real estate investing experience”

“What are the things that you need to do in order to move your business to the next step?”

“Where do I want to be?”

“A lot of people don’t know how to handle the resistance.”

“What happens when we don’t accomplish something?”

2. Set goals: Don’t say them but put them in writing and put them up so that you can read them every morning and evening. It will help you so much you will not even realize. Your goals will become results.

Goals = Results – Keep reading to discover how...

“Read To Implement”

“REI Wealth Academy, helping people get started on their path to real estate investing”

“No one really wants to help people who aren’t willing to help themselves and willing to show that they’re waiting to keep going.“

3. Find a mentor: Go to your local REIA meeting and find a seasoned investor and ask for some schooling. If they say no ask someone else. Check out REI Wealth our site for help. There are several mentors on this site including myself. If you don’t ask for help you will not get any. If we are too busy to connect right then we will point you in the right direction.

You discovered how important a Mentor is to get started in real estate. Up next is how to get it all done…

“The thing is, the reason why this is important step is this is where the rubber meets the road“

“What do you mean by ‘being present with your list?“

They get in the way of my success“

4. Make a too do list and carry it with you. Make the list on a piece of paper with three columns on it. Now, soon and later. Now is stuff that you need to you need to get done for real estate and other things in your life this week. Soon, is for stuff that is coming up like a website or LLC for your business. Later, is stuff that you want down the road like the house paid off or to take your family someplace special for a week. As you get things in the now area done you mark them off the list. At the end of the week you do a new list and move everything forward. It helps to get stuff done and before you know what has happened your goals are getting done. I have the list in his pocket at all times…That is great stuff.

The To Do list has been great for me. Continue reading about Telling People…

“Trying to get you from your starting point to the endpoint“

What return are you getting your retirement account?”

“Hey, are you looking to get a better return on your retirement account?”

5. Tell people who you are and what it is you do. Say it like you mean it too. If they don’t know who you are and what it is you can do for them how are you going to get anything done. I have had tons of people come up to me and say so and so told me you buy houses or help people that need to sell fast. It works. Do it….

If you like what you have seen so far why wait? Proven Guide to How To Get Started In Real Estate Investing Now

By far the biggest move you can make. Keep reading about how to advertise…

“How are people going to know what you do if you don’t put it out there?”

” It needs to stand out It’s very clear. It’s very concise”

” It allowed me to be able to know who was interested”

6. Advertise: Put signs on your car, make business cards, do fliers, get your name on the web. The web is the number one area to get your business to the next level. 86% of first time home buyers look on the web first for their home. What does this tell you that you need to do. Put it on your list under soon or even now if you have the funds.

Ok, so you have ideas about how to advertise now, how do I find buyers for my houses? Read on and discover what has worked for me…

” You’re gonna need to be able to scale your business if you want to achieve financial freedom to get where you want to go. And having a cash buyer’s list is absolutely critical to do that.”

” You only have so much money, you only have so many resources, you need to go tap into other people’s resources to be able to scale your business, to be able to achieve financial freedom, it’s absolutely essential to being able to do that..”

” Spending time with them, making sure that they are comfortable with you as a person, making sure they’re comfortable with your business model to be able to make a deal happen and to make sure that your business model is successful for them.”

7. Build a buyers list: Run ads on craigslist for a house or go to the county recorder’s office and get a list of all cash sale in the last 30 days in your area. Send them a letter (yellow letter) telling them what you can find for them and ask if they could contact you back (business card).

Wow, this is coming along great. You are well on your way to getting started in real estate investing right? The next read is what it is all about..The deal. Keep reading…

” Because at the end of the day, active listening and your conversation with them, building that rapport, is all about making the connection and understanding the meaning behind their words, because sometimes they’re not going to tell you exactly what it is that they want out of the transaction, out of the deal, why they’re even talking to you in the first place.”

” And at the end of the day, maybe you do want to hear that but you know something about the way you ask where you have in your script some of the other questions that you would wanna ask you make sure that you’re actually diving deeper and having them give you maybe more of the truth to see how best you can help.”

” There are so many things that are out there. Every situations going to be different. But at the end of the day, there’s some key ones that I really want you to focus on.”

8. Get a deal and make sure it is one: If someone calls on your ads or signs and has a house get all the info you can but the main thing is to let them talk. They will give you 99% of what you need to know. Then if you are unsure ask someone here or your mentor.

Some people love them and some don’t..You be the judge…Read about agents next…

” You need to make sure that you have very specific communication with the agent on what means success for you in that relationship, because how can they help you if they don’t know exactly what you need in the best way?”

” Are you the person that’s also gonna be following up on your deals? ”

” Have you worked with investors before? Great question. Are you an investor yourself? Oh, what type of investing do you do? How many deals have you done?”

9. Get an Agent: Some say this is a must. I have two great agents for item on the MLS but I have found most of my deals before they are on the MLS. Yellow letters, bandit signs and word of mouth. There are too many people on the MLS looking at the same thing you are. You can get deals there but so can everyone else… follow the road less traveled.

The next read is the hardest part about what we do in everything. Not real estate but life as well.

” And at the end of the day, I’m going to encourage you, if you feel like you’re in that tight of a spot, you need to make sure that you’re doing things, disciplined enough to make sure you’re taking control of your life and actually taking some of that money and changing your mindset around and saying, you know what? That’s a great investment. ”

” Think of your money as an investment in the first place and then you go out to the marketplace and say, what return am I going to get from an education with this investment that I’m going to put into it? ”

” If somebody has already learned the pain of failure, and got back up and done it again, failed again, got back up, tried again, failed, got back up, tried it again, learned 10 lessons to make sure they find that one success that’s taken them to a whole another level, why in the world would you repeat their same mistakes when they already have the solution there for you? ”

10. Don’t stop: Most people get turned down and give up. If you give up you might do that with everything in your life… Why, what’s the worst thing that could happen?  A No.  So get off your %## and make this happen not just for you but for your family and other people in your life who need it to. If you have seen our videos you know what can be achieved if you take action.

There are stories here on this site and others that will make you cry, but that will not put food on your table. You need to do that yourself. No one will put the work in for you. It’s up to you, and maybe you can be the next story here.

So, why are you still here reading this?! Go grab your to-do list and start marking items off… NOW GO GET SOME!!

I promise, it will help you get a plan to take action and start implementing right away.

Not having a GOAL is worse than not setting one.

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